651 Samford Road, Mitchelton Q 4053 | 07 3355 3443 | hello@studiocakes.com.au

Our 2020 Cake Year in Review...

Written by Sarah-Jane Webb


Posted on December 22 2020


2020... How it started


In January, we kicked off the year by creating a mutli-tiered wedding cake that stood taller than I was. 'What a way to start the year!', I remember thinking at the time.

*Pause for irony*

Little did we know that in a few months’ time, we'd be baking bread, selling ingredients and shipping biscuits all around the country.

That period from March to June was probably the most manic I've experienced in business. We made so many pivots that I came to hate the word pivot!

But, somehow, we managed to keep the doors open.



Embracing our heart as a bakery

Enjoying the fruit(buns) of our labour


For us, this has been a year of learning. Marcus and I have exhausted ourselves in conversations over issues big and small. We dipped in and out of the news cycle to keep our sanity, and I'm aware that in itself is a privilege.

I remember the crazy Easter period where for the first time we turned away from wedding cakes and embraced our inner-bakery.

At the peak of it, we had to call on family members to fulfil our new delivery promises. We were simultaneously hand delivering yeast and flour to customers in Beaudesert whilst taking hot-cross buns to Northlakes.

It was kind of a madhouse.



CookieGrams (biscuits with special messages) became our core product

ANZAC bikkie baking kits provided to local schools


Despite all this, reflecting on 2020 we had just as many wonderful moments as difficult ones.

I remember weddings being cancelled, rescheduled or moved as restrictions ebbed and flowed throughout the year. We jumped at the chance to do whatever was necessary to pull it off for our clients.

When we received a 5-star award from Easy Weddings for outstanding service to the wedding industry, it meant more this year than ever before.


A wedding cake that we pulled off between lock-downs


Our regular customers came in every week to make a small purchase or have a chat, just to provide us with support. That still brings tears to my eyes and was honestly just one of many ways our business has been supported through this year by our customers, friends and family.


A 6 months (1/2 birthday) party, because he hadn't met his extended family yet and we all needed a reason to celebrate.

There were still trends to keep up with in 2020!


There was the 'drop-the mic' moment when Leslie came up with "Iso-Love You" for our Mother's Day biscuit idea. And the day that we laughed until we cried when we developed our range of Iso-Cookies. (Scomo's "Just Stop It" was by far the most popular, in case you're wondering).


Iso-Cookies - an edible memento 

ISO-love you messages for a Mother's Day in isolation

Some of our custom treats were sassier than others...


Most of all, I remember a keen sense of responsibility to you, our incredible customers, because you trusted us time and time again to make each moment as special as it could be. In this year especially, when every celebration and every heartbreak was extra potent, you invited us in.

More than anything we wanted to show up for you.


Doing what we love...

...bringing smiles to faces.


I didn’t set out to write such an overly-earnest letter - but putting all these photos together kind of brought it out in me. Especially because today I completed our last cake order for 2020 and tomorrow is our last day of trade for the year.

And so I guess this is us, signing off for 2020 feeling thoroughly spent but also satisfied.

At 5 pm tomorrow (23rd December) we're closing for an extended Christmas and New Year break, reopening on January 18th. This will be our longest break in 5 years and we're planning to rest, recuperate and bring our best selves to a new start in 2021.

We want to thank you for the support provided to us in this crazy year. It's never been more apparent how lucky we are to have this community of fellow bakers and friends to support our dreams. 

Merry Christmas to you. We wish you and your family health and love over this holiday period.






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