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The best thing I've ever made

Written by Sarah-Jane Webb


Posted on January 13 2023

If you're a regular visitor to our website or social pages, you might have noticed a distinct absence of activity over the past few months. We have a very good reason for that!

Meet Ari Michael Webb. Just like his Mum, he hates missing out on things so he decided to arrive a few weeks early. Just like his Dad, he is already the life of the party. Sometimes we just sit and stare at him and hours go by. He is mesmerising like a campfire, and we can’t believe we made such a perfect little thing.

Ari Michael Webb


I wasn’t prepared for the unique challenge of having a new baby and a business, and unfortunately due to Ari’s early arrival I didn’t get to all the things I wanted to before going away on leave.

In a perfect world we would have had a perfect handover, but instead we endured a bit of chaos and our incredible team had to improvise, adapt and overcome (as my Dad puts it) the many challenges that arose.

Both Leslie and Jess stretched to their limits over the past few months and it brings tears to my eyes to think about how hard they worked to make sure that Marcus and I had these precious weeks with our little boy. I want to shout from the rooftops how grateful we are to them, and their families. I am not sure we can ever convey what a gift their efforts have given us.

Getting myself out of the baby bubble and back into the real world has been like trying to pull myself out of a pool of molasses. (When I wrote that sentence, I was referring to how the newborn stage sucks you in and you don’t really want to leave, but the metaphor also works for how sticky everything has gotten lately).

I can feel the pull of outside responsibilities but at the same time, if I look away little Ari seems to grow a bit bigger while I’m distracted. So that means that there are a few things that I have let go by the by. There’s a website to update, and stock to list, and emails to write to our amazing and patient customers.

For now, we’re just doing a little each day and celebrating the little wins. Like how I’m celebrating that I’ve managed to put this post together one-handed whilst rocking a sleeping baby.  

Marcus and I have made a lot of things in this life so far – lots of beautiful and unique cakes and a business that we are truly proud of - but Ari is by far the best thing we’ve ever made. His arrival has already taught our team that we are capable of so much more than we thought, and I can't wait to see all the new ways we will grow with him in our lives. 




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