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I am thoroughly unsurprised at myself...

Written by Sarah-Jane Webb


Posted on November 14 2023

Sarah-Jane at Ari's first birthday
I’ve seen it oh so many times before. A parent visiting our store for the first time, ready to take on the infamous first birthday cake. 

Sometimes it's their first foray into cake decorating, and I am usually full of sage advice like "You don't need to go too overboard" and "It's OK to make something simple!".

Ok, so this isn't my first rodeo when it comes to cake, but it was finally time to make a first birthday cake for my own little man. 

Well, this is the smiling happy face of a Mum who decided that we needed five different cakes and 50 decorated bikkies to match. 

I am thoroughly unsurprised at myself.


In what felt like the hottest day imaginable, our nearest and dearest came together to celebrate our little man turning one. I can’t believe we already have a year full of memories with him – and it is true what they say that the days are long, but the year has felt so short.


Ari's first birthday party and cake cake cake!

Like every other parent ever, I am completely enamoured with our little man and if you visit in store you’re just as likely to be shown a baby photo against your will as you are to buy some icing.

And like every other parent ever, balancing work and parenting is an ongoing learning curve. Now that our Ari is in child care I’m more available in-store, and I’m so looking forward to being more in touch in the coming months than I have been able to be in the past year.



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